“A proposito di”…Discovermarche!


Tempo fa ho avuto la fortuna di godermi un aperitivo a Ripatransone, in aperta campagna, in compagnia di una coppia di Americani provenienti da Washington.

Ms A.U. era davvero estasiata dalla location, dalla circostanza, dal paesaggio così straordinario e inconsueto per lei, e mi disse: “Mai in America potrebbe capitarmi di bere dell’ottimo vino nel mezzo di un vigneto colorato dai raggi del sole che tramonta, per di più con vista mare. Semplicemente unico!”

Io le ho chiesto allora della Monument Valley, del Grand Canyon (che avevo visitato proprio un anno prima e ne era rimasta affascinata), e lei semplicemente mi ha risposto:“ Nessuno vive nella Monument Valley o nel Grand Canyon, che sono davvero meravigliosi e spettacolari. Ma qui ho la possibilità di essere parte del paesaggio, sono dentro la storia, dentro la cultura, affiancata da persone che dividono le loro tradizioni con me. Vivo all’interno della meraviglia”.

Purtroppo lei ha poi confermato qualcosa che già sapevo: Le Marche sono una regione davvero poco conosciuta all’estero, poco pubblicizzata.

Da questo nasce la mia idea di favorire la divulgazione del mio meraviglioso territorio.

Vivo da qualche anno in una delle metropoli più belle del Mondo, la fantastica New York, sono incantata dal suo stile di vita, da tutto ciò che offre, ma sento di aver lasciato una parte importante di me a casa.

Voglio trasmettere le emozioni della mia terra e condividerle con voi.



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Some time ago I had the good fortune to enjoy an aperitif in Ripatransone, in the open country, together with an American couple from Washington.

Ms A.U. was extremely enthusiastic about the location and the occasion. The landscape was so amazing and unusual to her, and she told me: “In America I never could have happened to drink some wine in the middle of a vineyard colored by the rays of the sunset, furthermore with sea views. Simply unique!”

I then asked her about the Monument Valley and Grand Canyon (which I had visited just a year before and I was really fascinated by). She simply replied: “No one lives in the Monument Valley or in the Grand Canyon, even if they are truly wonderful and spectacular places. Here I have the chance to be part of the landscape, instead. I really feel the history, the culture, and I can be close to people who share their traditions with me. I feel like I’m part of this wonder!”

Unfortunately she then confirmed something I already knew: Le Marche is a region so little known abroad, not widely publicized. From this was born the idea of encouraging the disclosure of my wonderful territory.

I’ve been living in one of the most beautiful cities in the world since a couple of years: New York. I love the City, the lifestyle and all that it offers to me. However, I feel I have left home an important part of me.

I would like to convey the emotions of my land and share them with you.



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56 thoughts on ““A proposito di”…Discovermarche!

  1. Che cosa bellissima “vedere” attraverso gli occhi di abita all’estero, la mia stupenda regione d’adozione! Io sono Emiliana (Ferrara) ma da 20 e passa anni, vivo nelle Marche (Cerreto d’Esi a pochi km da Fabriano) e mi ci trovo benissimo… ne sono davvero innamorata anche io (anche se cuore, manco a dirlo, batte sempre fortissimo quando torno a Ferrara) 🙂

    E stupendo il tuo progetto di divulgazione, perchè meritano davvero di essere conosciute le nostre Marche e non solo per il mare… 🙂


    • Grazie mille per il tuo commento!
      Fà molto piacere avere il supporto di chi come me ama tanto questa magnifica Regione e desidera che sempre più persone possano essere informate delle bellezze e peculiarità che le Marche hanno da offrire! Un abbraccio:-)

  2. Hi Isabella, it’s lovely to meet you. Thank you for the ‘likes’ and for following my site which has brought me to your lovely and very interesting site. I look forward to going through your site in more depth. Take care and have a great day.

  3. Complimenti Isabella, bellissima idea. Le Marche sono poco conosciute non solo all’estero purtroppo. Da marchigiana trapiantata in Toscana ti dico che anche per quelli al di qua dell’Appennino… le Marche queste sconosciute ahimè!
    Quindi evviva questo blog e in bocca al lupo!

  4. Thank you for following my blog, Isabella! Italy is a beauty indeed, and I have travelled some – but not enough in your home country. I might get some tips reading your blog!

  5. Hi Isabella . . to my shame I have never visited Italy. Looking at your lovely blog, I realise I really must rectify this one day soon.

    BTW thanks for following my blog 🙂

  6. “Here I have the chance to be part of the landscape” I agree- very few places in America are like this and only a few may have a view with a cup of wine and all that wonder around you just a few feet away:-).

    • Thanks Robbie! I agree. It’s a combination of more relaxed lifestyle and beautiful landscape.
      When you enjoy them both together, then you realise you’re really having a great time!:-)

  7. Ciao Isabella, Thank you so much for coming on board with me as a new follower, and good on you for your ambition to lift the profile of Le Marche! It is time that foreigners learnt there is more to Italy than Tuscany, beautiful as that is. A few years ago we were in Assisi for a couple of weeks, and one day we took the hire car for a long drive, ending up in Senigallia for lunch. You might like to take a look at my little story here:

    To the Seaside Without a Map – Senigallia

    Abbracci! GG

    • Ciao Gnew! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts about Le Marche.
      It’s good to know there are people like you, who had the chance to visit Le Marche during their trip to Italy.
      Unfortunately, there’s still not enough awareness of the existenxce of this stunning ‘piece’ of Italy.
      I’ve read your beautiful post on your experience in Senigallia back in 2013.
      Warm and cold seafood appetizer is a ‘must’ when visiting any sea location there! So unique and delicious (in fact, most of the seafood is local and from the Adriatic Sea: smaller size and savory taste due to the high quantity of salt in the Adriatic Sea!):-)
      Also, one of the best thing when visiting Le Marche is, as you did, getting lost!
      Crazy as it sounds, but you’ll always find your way and most of the time you’ll be sorrounded by wonderful landscape.
      Especially, if you drive in the hills: the intense green of the land on a side and the magic blue from glimpse of the sea and coast on the other!
      It would be great if more people would start sharing their own travel experience and let other people know!
      Visiting Le Marche is an amazing and special experience!
      This year, even “The Guardian” picked Le Marche in their latest 2016’s travel hot list!
      So, hopefully more people will start esplorino and…enjoying Le Marche soon!
      Grazie mille e un abbraccio, Isa:-)

  8. Hello Isabella! Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I look forward to hearing more about your home region – Italy is by far my favourite country I have visited, for so many reasons, but as you say, Le Marche is little mentioned. Puglia seems to have become more popular in recent years for people looking for alternative destinations ( I am yet to visit however), perhaps they all just need to move further north! I think it’s wonderful you want to promote the area…I’d probably be selfish and want to keep it safe from the crowds!

    • Ciao Haylee!
      Thanks so much to You actually, for visiting my blog and leaving your feedback.
      I’m trying to do my best in order to let other people find out about my beautiful region.
      At the end of the day, I believe any place on earth belongs to everybody.
      It is so important to know about the existence of different countries, traditions and culture to open up our minds.
      I’m truly in love with my region and think it is such a wonderful place to visit even once in your life.
      That’s why I’m just happy to share info to people who may never have heard about Le Marche before, but could find some inspiration and even plan to visit it sometime!
      Ciao e a presto:-)

    • Prego, ci mancherebbe! Complimenti a te per il tuo bellissimo blog.
      Grazie mille per aver condiviso il contatto di questo blog. Non lo conoscevo. Articolo molto toccante sui tragici eventi delle ultime ore in Italia:-( Un abbraccio.

  9. Hi Isabella

    I found your blog about Italy and I wondered whether you would be interested in having a look at my about to be published “Living in Italy: the Real Deal – How to survive the Good Life”.
    The creative non-fiction book contains sixty short stories about my adventures as a Dutch expat who moved to Italy in 2008 to start a bed and breakfast. It is the translation of the Dutch original that met with considerable success (sold 3000 copies) and had very positive readers’ reviews. It is published through Babelcube and contains 280 pages, 67.000 words.

    Author bio:
    Stef Smulders was born in The Netherlands in 1960 and moved with husband Nico and their dog to Italy in 2008 to start bed-and-breakfast Villa I Due Padroni in the beautiful wine region Oltrepò Pavese south of Milan. In 2014 he published his first volume of short, anecdotical stories (in Dutch) about daily life among the Italians entitled “Italiaanse Toestanden”. It was well received by readers, leading to a second volume of witty anecdotes. A third volume is to be published spring 2017.

    Book summary:
    In 2008 the author emigrated to Italy, bringing husband and dog along, to start Bed & Breakfast Villa I Due Padroni. But a lot of hurdles had to be taken before the first guests could be accommodated. In 2014 Stef reported about his adventures in buying and reconstructing the house, obtaining a tax number and a bank account, registering at the commune and at the national health service, importing their car and a range of other things that lead to a myriad of bureaucratic troubles. These problems were always resolved in a truly Italian fashion, leading to raised Dutch eyebrows and hilarious scenes. As a reader you will encounter a range of characteristic Italians, from sympathetic to villainous, from moving to shameless. Real Italians of flesh and blood, sometimes cliché, somtimes surprisingly original. But always worth encountering.

    Goodreads page:

    Have a look at my presentation page as well with fragments and a sneak preview if you like:

    I could send you the epub or pdf if you want to.

    Hope to hear from you
    Cari saluti

    • Ciao Stef,

      thank you very much for your interest in my blog and for reaching out.
      And congrats on your upcoming new book! I’m pretty sure it will be hilarious and I can’t wait to read it.
      In fact, I’ve just stopped by your website. It’s very interesting you decided to share your experience as an expat in Italy!
      I love that, since I think it is very helpful to other people who might consider to move, as well and probably don’t know that much about Italian ‘life style’.
      I guess they will be surprised to find out about some episodes in your stories!:-)
      By the way, I’ve already started reading your sneak preview – thank you very much for sharing the link…maybe we can keep in touch via email (discovermarche2014@gmail.com), if you like.

      Looking forward!

      Un abbraccio,

  10. Che meraviglia trovare, tramite contatti comuni, un blog dedicato interamente alle Marche! Una delle mie regioni italiane preferite e un po’ ancora sottovalutate (anche se negli ultimi anni in merito a promozione vi siete fatti ben avanti!)
    Ti leggerò con interesse ❤

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